1st Level - High Fiber Diet
A great place to start - a diet for everyone.
Fiber comes from plants – by boosting your intake of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains you give the body what it needs to achieve balance. Examples of high fiber foods include: apples, bananas, avocados, green vegetables, zucchini, celery, cauliflower, most root vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains. Recommended 30-38 grams for men, 21-25 grams for women.
2nd Level - Gluten Free Diet
Especially for those that are non-celiac and gluten sensitive
Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, malt, and rye. Products made with these grains can cause inflammation and a negative body response. Many products and recipes are available to support sensitive individuals.
3rd Level - Paleo
Anti-inflammatory and for auto-immune challenged
A way of eating based on unprocessed, clean, whole food. Rich in fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood, and nuts. No grains and dairy here.
4th Level - Low FODMAP Diet
Especially for extreme sensitivity to carbohydrates
Very successful in helping to control symptoms of imbalance in research! Switch out foods found on the high FODMAP list for those that are lower. Onion, garlic, wheat, and processed foods are limited and are reintroduced after 4-6 weeks.
5th Level - Elimination
When other diets don't work
Seek professional help. A diet with safe foods is implemented and single foods are replaced one at a time to identify trigger foods. Eventually high risk foods are reintroduced to determine lasting sensitivities.